Peoples around the world have been sharing ideas and technologies forever. China invented the printing press and paper before the European did. They had perfected the technology to make porcelain that need very high temperature, and invented powder. Chinese adopted the robust strain of rice from Vietnam that could survive droughts and bad climate. They were the first civilization to develop grafting of fruits like apples, pears, peaches and plums among others as early as the XVI century.C.E.
Every time you enjoy your fruit remember that. India gave the world Buddhism philosophy, the best cotton in the world still, and crystallized sugar. Indonesia shared their spices and nutritious crops like sugar cane and bananas. The Middle East shared dates nuts, almonds, dried fruits, dyes, lapis lazuli, swords, Christianity and Islam, both religions based on compassion and love to all, independent of wealth, status or character. The Mediterranean basin gave gold coins, glassware, glazes, grapevines (cheers), jewelry, artworks, perfume, wool and linen textiles, olive oil. Meso America, the area of my ancestors had very well planed cities with channels to irrigate crops, a mathematical system that included zero, and a almost perfect calendar. We have not been very kind to each other all the time. There have been slaves, human sacrifices, wars, famine, but still my friends, we should be happy and thankful.